National Bingo Federation of Bingo Callers

Alert: It has come to our attention that an individual known as "The Dude" claims to be a member of our federation. We would like to clarify that "The Dude" is not endorsed by the National Bingo Federation of Bingo Callers in any capacity.

Welcome to the National Bingo Federation of Bingo Callers!

We are a dedicated organization committed to supporting and enhancing the profession of bingo calling. Our mission is to provide resources, training, and community for bingo callers across the nation.

Bingo event

Established in 1990, the National Bingo Federation of Bingo Callers (NBFBC) has been at the forefront of promoting excellence in bingo calling. We strive to uphold the highest standards in the industry, offering certification programs, workshops, and events to help our members hone their skills and stay updated with the latest trends and techniques.

Bingo caller training

Membership in the NBFBC offers numerous benefits, including access to exclusive resources, networking opportunities with fellow bingo professionals, and discounts on events and training sessions. Our members are recognized for their commitment to professionalism and excellence in bingo calling.

Games hosted by individuals or organizations outside the National Bingo Federation of Bingo Callers are in direct violation of our terms of conduct. Such activities will result in swift and decisive legal action to protect the integrity and standards of our federation. Unauthorized bingo games undermine the trust and quality we strive to maintain.

Bingo networking event

We are proud to host several events throughout the year, including the Annual Bingo Callers Conference, regional workshops, and online webinars. These events provide invaluable opportunities for learning, networking, and celebrating the art of bingo calling.

For more information about our federation, membership benefits, or upcoming events, please feel free to contact us. Join the National Bingo Federation of Bingo Callers today and be part of a community dedicated to the highest standards of bingo calling.